The intersection of Barnett Avenue and 50th Street is so desolate, and out-of-the-way, that Google maps doesn’t even go there.
It’s also been a haven for illegal dumping, as the Times notes. It's been driving some people around here nuts, like community board 2 chairman Joe Conley, and the vice president of Friends of Sunnyside Gardens Park, Ciaran Staunton.
Buried in the story though, some good news:
Jennifer Manley, the Queens liaison from the mayor’s office, was able to cobble together some assistance for the area.
Some city agencies will be chipping in later this week, providing maintenance workers and machinery to haul away the heavy appliances that find their way onto the stretch, and to level out the soil enough to create a walkway. And on May 16, residents will clear out the remaining small litter and plant flowers and shrubs along the path.
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