Sunday, August 9, 2009

R.I.P. Ivan Cortes

Here's the sidewalk memorial for Ivan Cortes, who died on August 5 on Queens Boulevard.

Anybody know more about what happened?


  1. Hi, I'm Ivanna Cortes one of Ivan Cortes' daughters. According to police, my father jumped to his death on August 5th at 2:13 PM. My family and I are devastated we still have a lot of unanswered questions that the NYPD haven't been able to answer. If you or anyone have any information we ask that you please contact me at

    Ps- your video is beautiful

    Thank you,
    Ivanna Cortes

  2. Hello, My name is Giovanni Cortes, I am Ivan's only brother. This is the first time I see these pictures and while the pain that runs thru me is tremendous, I am thankful for these photos being posted.

    To my nieces, I could only say that you were the light of my brothers life, his reason for living and you three, Nicole,Ivanna and Isabella kept him alive and gave him a reason to live for these past twenty years.

  3. El motivo de esta carta es expresarle mis mas profundas condolencias a toda la familia CORTES por el sensible fallecimiento de mi amigo IVAN.
    deseo que su alma descanse en paz y que ustedes encuentren pronto la resignacion por tan enorme perdida.
    Nos a impresionado mucho el fallecimiento de nuestro amigo IVAN. Les aconpanamos en su sentimiento ante tan irreparable perdida.

    De tus amigos

    William Y Martha L Matiz
